[Ti] Protecting your Data [was: TiBook 1GHz/SuperDrive US Mac OS ROM file?]

Neil Cadsawan rainer3 at mac.com
Tue Dec 31 05:41:14 PST 2002

On Tuesday, December 31, 2002, at 05:07  AM, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> What prevents me from
> booting from an external OS X disk that I have root access on, copying 
> over the user files from this disk and "recreating" that user on the 
> other machine? Now I have the password to that users account as I've 
> created it. The only difference is that I've replaced the Users home 
> directory. As the password is stored in the Users keychain and I 
> assume keychains allow themselves to be copied around like any other 
> file and then logging in as that user and gaining access to this 
> encrypted image?

Well, the point of creating an encrypted disk image is that no one, not 
even root can access the files on your disk image.  The trick here is 
not to use the same password on the encrypted disk image as the login 
password for the user.



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