[Ti] Heat & Fans

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Tue Jun 3 08:56:43 PDT 2003

1.  It doesn't matter.  When you put it to sleep, the computer is no 
longer producing massive amounts of heat, so it will continue to cool 
off.  The fans are designed to kick on long before damage begins.  
AFAIK, all Apple laptops, and probably all desktops too, have thermal 
protection circuitry that will force the computer to either halt or 
sleep once the computer reaches a certain critical temperature, and the 
computer will not reboot until it has cooled.  I've never seen a 
computer that actually goes into thermal shutdown, however.
2.  My Big Al is *worlds* cooler than my Ti/500.  The fans are 
significantly quieter, too; they've only gone into high speed about two 
or three times in the last month, and high speed is rather quiet still.

NaegeleWDC at aol.com writes:
> The fans on my Ti 800 seem to be performing just fine; they come on 
> periodically and then shut themselves off.  However, I have two 
> questions:
> (1)  Is it best to leave the fan running even though I have finished 
> with my work temporarily, or is it better to put the Ti to sleep?  
> Obviously when it goes to sleep, the fan ceases to function.
> (2)  What has been the experience of new "Big Al" owners with respect 
> to the heat issue?  Do they seem to run hotter or cooler than the Ti?

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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