Kernel Panics -- redux

Murray Kastner murrayka at
Mon Jun 9 11:26:45 PDT 2003

Firstly I apologize for not paying attention - ;-) when kernel panics 
here discussed a few months ago. Now I have just experienced one on 
my new BigAl.

Just a quick question: I was doing my bookkeeping when it happened. 
Three hours of work are in a file I cannot now open. Anyone have any 
secrets of opening it? I do also now have on my desktop an icon 
entitled 'Lock0001.flk'

I have a back up done May 15th so it isn't an unmitigated disaster; 
it would be nice, thought not to have to re-do what was done...

Warmest regards

mailto:murrayka at

'We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are 
spiritual beings having a human experience.'

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