iFish and other...

Daniel Borge dani at borgepalace.com
Sat Mar 29 03:28:50 PST 2003

>>> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 3:40 AM by luke:
>>>              __       http://etyrnal.no-ip.com         .__
>>>     ____   _/  |_   ___.__. _______    ____   _____    |  |
>>>   _/ __ \  \   __\ <   |  | \_  __ \  /    \  \__  \   |  |
>>>   \  ___/   |  |    \___  |  |  | \/ |   |  \  / __ \_ |  |__
>>>    \___  >  |__|    / ____|  |__|    |___|  / (____  / |____/
>>>        \/           \/                    \/       \/
> Wow! Now that's talent.  And I thought I was cool with my <X))><.  You 
> get
> the ribbon. ;o)
> Brian Fish
>  <X))><

Perhaps....but what is it supposed to be....or is it just my mail 
client thats not showing it correctly :)

Daniel Borge

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