Ti] 4 songs per second

Les Posen lesposen at optushome.com.au
Thu May 1 18:25:10 PDT 2003

Ok, so if anyone wishes to own up to it, can you know honestly say you  
actually feel better for it by legally obtaining performers' creation  
compared to obtaining them through peer2peer means?

Or that you are somehow validating Apple's faith in its "trading out of  
PC doldrums via innovation", and feeling good about that?

And who wants to take a bet how long it takes before we hear stories of  
kids/adolescents hitting on their parents' credit card numbers and  
purchasing an enormous number of downloads?

And finally, when will see the first post of MAS (musicstore addiction  
syndrome)?   ;-)


On Friday, May 2, 2003, at 08:09  AM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List wrote:

> Message-Id: <p05210628bad740e3cf43@[]>
> Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 14:24:14 -0700
> From: Steve Wozniak <steve at woz.org>
> Subject: Re: [Ti] 4 songs per second
> At 3:00 PM -0600 2003.05.01, Sam Hotchkiss wrote:
>> holy wow!  I can't believe it!  lets do a poll.. how many have fellow  
>> listas bought?
> - a song and an album for myself.
> --  
> Regards,
> Steve  (is tv wake zone?)
Les Posen/MEL					      Webmaster
Lposen (AIM/iChat)				Australian Psychological Society
P.O. Box 1229 						  (Victorian Branch)
St.Kilda South					       Virtual Reality Therapy
Australia 3182	  http://homepage.mac.com/lesposen/iMovieTheater1.html

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