[Ti] 10.2.8

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Wed Oct 1 12:26:05 PDT 2003

>According to what 'fragmented' reasoning? Slashdot is two things, 
>links to other news items, and comments on the news. Most people 
>don't read the original items on Slashdot, they just comment on the 
>comments. If you read the actual items, it ends up being a lot more 

I am not a SlashDot member, my SlashDot stuff comes across RSS feeds 
in Watson; I read the stuff in the hope of an actual useful link. You 
are the first person who has ever defended it's credibility to me. 
Since their is no editorial control, I suspect much more "opinion 
presented as fact" or "Rush Limbaugh style of fact finding" than real 
information.  Unless there are verifiable links, it is commentary.
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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