[Ti] .DS_Store (was....need root help)

Glenn L. Austin glenn at austin-home.com
Tue Jun 1 18:19:03 PDT 2004

on 6/1/04 5:27 PM, Dennis Fazio at dfz at mac.com wrote:

> --On Tuesday, June 1, 2004 10:57 AM -0700 "Glenn L. Austin"
> <glenn at austin-home.com> wrote:
>> .DS_Store files are used to hold the Finder's view information for that
>> folder, if the user has permission to write to that folder.
> I don't suppose there is any way to disable their creation to prevent the
> littering of Windows server directories, is there?

Unfortunately if the user has write-access to the directory, those files get

Personally, I don't like it, but then again I don't work on the Finder team
so I don't know what all they put in there (beyond the view info).

Maybe it's time for a utility that will create them in the user's Library

Glenn L. Austin <><
Computer Wizard and Race Car Driver
<glenn at austin-home.com>

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