[Ti] Director MX 2004

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley hutley at geneva-link.ch
Sun May 2 23:51:12 PDT 2004

At 14:08 -0700 2/5/04, Renaud Dreyer wrote:
>Le dimanche, 2 mai 2004, à 10:42 US/Pacific, Dr. Trevor J. Hutley a écrit :
>>I have downloaded, installed and am trying to 
>>run (a trial version of) Macromedia Director MX 
>>2004 on my Al-book, under 10.3.3.
>>It launches and then a few seconds later, it 
>>crashes, giving the following Log:
>The following Macromedia Tech Note might also be relevant:

Renaud - this looked exactly like my problem, so actually I tried this first:

	Director TechNote

	Director crashes at the Start Page on Macintosh OS X


	When launching Macromedia Director MX 
2004, the startup page displays, but  the application t
	then crashes.
	The following error message can be displayed:
	 "This program unexpectedly quit, other 
programs have not been effected ".
	 In some cases,  Director freezes while 
displaying the startup page. This only occurs on
	Director  MX 2004 running on Apple 
Macintosh OS X v 10.2 and above. The crash is due to a
	bug in the FlashAsset Xtra (Ref. 163869).


  	Deleting the preference  file allows 
Director to create a new preference file, and 
this should  fix
	the problem.
	The preference file called 
"com.macromedia.DirectorMX2004.plist" is  located 
under the users

I even tried it twice.  Unfortunately, it was ineffective.....	:-(

regards,  Trevor

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