[Ti] How To Move My Acc't to the new Powerbook?

~flipper lord.flipper at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 21:56:53 PDT 2005

John McGibney wrote:

>Did you buy a new previously used powerbook or new from the store powerbook?
>Since December or so Apple included the "migration" utility with all the new
>computers. Not with OS-X install CDS. I couldn't locate it as a separate
>download from Apple. You'll have to use carbon copy cloner to copy your
>User, Library, & System folders to the new machine. Unless someone has the
>Setup Assistant as an installer pkg and can send it to you.

Hi John,

Well, I picked up Tiger this evening, installed it, and have compiled 
a list of 150 applications and utilities, that were on my old 
Ti-Book, that were dragged in target-mode (along with support files), 
across the firewire to the new Powerbook, and all is well.

I had to do some batch changes of 'group' IDs. They were 'admin' on 
the Ti, and became 'unknown' on the Aluminum. I used a nice little 
NeXTSTEP utility to deal with it, and evrything's working just great.

brian s

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