[Ti] Battery/Power problem

Chris Reinhart creinhart at creativebubble.com
Sun Jan 16 18:28:21 PST 2005

My TI 800 has just started to have a battery / power problem which I'm 
hoping one of you have seen.
When the powerbook is plugged in the light on the end of the power cord 
will not light up.  The powerbook will turn on, but
it does not appear to be charging the battery.  The menu icon is stuck 
on "Calculating.."
Here's the things I have tried:

- more then one outlet
- more then one battery (I had an old one laying around)
- PMU reset

Anyone have any idea?
Is it more likely the battery, power cord, or the computer

Thanks in advance for your time.......

C h r i s  R e i n h a r t
Video Editor
creinhart at creativebubble.com
Creative Bubble

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