Re(2): [Ti] A different view on Intel/Apple marriage

Alan Thompson alan at
Mon Jun 6 15:19:30 PDT 2005

I hear you.  It wouldn't stop /me/ from buying, but then again, I  
still have a crusty old 500MHz TiBook, although, I am writing this on  
a G4 iMac 17" desktop.  Basically, I am not in a hurry to be making  
big hardware purchases every couple of years.  I save that for cars -  

I have faith that Apple will be working very hard to make the  
transition as smoothly as possible.  I believe that in 2006, I can  
still run all the apps I do now - that iLife '06  and '07 will run on  
both the new chip and the G4/G5 and it will be that way for some time  
to come (probably after I end up selling both my macs on eBay to buy  
the latest and greatest Macs, now with "Intel inside" (please, at  
least I hope they skip putting those annoying stickers on the new Macs).

It sounds, too, like we won't see "leopard" until November/December  
of 2006.  That's a good year and a half (of use - on current or  
recently purchased machines) right there.  Probably just then will  
they be coming out with the new x86 machines, and hopefully they'll  
offer 10.5/leopard for the PowerPC platform too.  They probably  
will.  Windows, if you recall, with Windows NT, had a separate distro  
on PowerPC, Alpha, and x86.

We'll see.  Big gamble on Apple's part, but probably necessary too.


On Jun 6, 2005, at 6:05 PM, Thomas Bulat wrote:

>> But, I still think that in the short term, it's really going to hurt
>> existing PowerPC-based machines.  They will be perceived as EOL'd
>> (end of life) computers, and people will hold out on making
>> purchasing decisions until the new architecture arrives, *and*
>> there's software available for it.  Could mean some very chilly
>> quarters with regard to revenue, and market reaction to the move.
> hi alan,
> IMHO, it's all about being competitive.
> After all, you get what you pay for.
> If people fail to grasp that, then I wonder more about them than  
> Apple.
> I know a lot of PC users who hate their computers, but buy them  
> just the same.
> Maybe it's THINK DIFFERENT all over again...
> So long for now, TOM
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