[Ti] Connecting to Motorola Razor Phone (Off Topic)

David DelMonte ddelmonte at mac.com
Fri May 27 13:55:55 PDT 2005

Tell us your real feelings Woz and Shawn.. :) I love mine more than I  
thought I would - and as far as any Moto phone goes. It's a ton  
better than my Moto v.600 that I stomped on.  Yea yea, I know the  
Motorola UI is bad and that compared to my wife's Samsung, I can't  
see the menu as well,  BUT:  it doesn't beep much when it's in my  
pocket (other stuff hitting the volume keys,) and it does charge from  
a usb adapter.! I cant find any other phone that's small, got a flip  
cover and supports BT. I got mine unlocked and not from Cingular, so  
it uses the various sim cards I need to use (incl. t-mobile in the US  
and western Europe, Cosmote in Greece and PTN in Australia and the  
South Pacific). I figure it will last me  a year or two until THE  
phone arrives. it is in summary - mostly harmless.


On May 27, 2005, at 11:37 PM, Steve Wozniak wrote:

> At 3:14 PM -0400 2005.05.27, C Glass wrote:
>> I am considering changing to that phone. Please share your  
>> experiences.
> It's the worst phone ever, functionally.
> It's even hard to dial calls on it. The UI sucks worse than any  
> other phone I've ever seen. It's virtually impossible to find how  
> to customize ring tones for callers. There's no audible 'answer'  
> command so you have to at least press some button to take a call on  
> a bike. The bluetooth hands-free in a car drops calls every few  
> seconds most of the time. It gets hung up in bluetooth hands-free  
> mode to where you can't use the hand-free car system or the RAZR  
> phone. The only solution sometimes is to stop the car, turn it off,  
> and turn it back on. The RAZR sometimes shuts down while doing  
> nothing. It has other freezes that sometimes require removing the  
> battery to restart. The UI is so bad that you can easily get into  
> situations that are ridiculous while doing the most normal things  
> like getting your voicemail or when a second call comes in. Don't  
> bother to ask what happens if a second call comes in while in hands- 
> free mode in a car. This phone doesn't have Java so it cannot be used
>   with Salling clicker. I really miss that one. It was also  
> incompatible with the Macintosh but at least that got cleared up  
> somewhat in Tiger.
> You can buy an unlocked RAZR phone at your Cingular store but you  
> have to ask for the calling card plan. But if you use an [older]  
> AT&T wireless SIM card, you don't get AIM or internet access  
> (MMode). I had to switch my accounts to Cingular for these  
> features. I knew that with AT&T Wireless, I could access the  
> internet (via bluetooth setup in the Network System Preference)  
> through my phone by setting it up to dial "proxy" with no name or  
> password. But with Cingular the combination is more difficult and I  
> haven't yet been able to do it.
> I have several very knowledgable gadget/technology friends who all  
> say the same thing as myself, that this phone is the worst piece of  
> cr*p ever made, but it sure is beautiful so we all use it.
> As a side note, this phone is so thin that I very straight-faced  
> tell people that it's solar powered. And Infrared too I say, so it  
> powers off your body heat while in your pocket. I point out that  
> there's no dock port on the bottom to charge it even. You'd be  
> surprised how many tech experts even fall for this one.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Steve  (ok a new size tv)
> ````````````````````````````````````````````````````
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