[Ti] The reason we use Macs instead of PC's (long)

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Tue Nov 22 15:06:39 PST 2005

On Nov 22, 2005, at 4:02 PM, Mikael Byström wrote:

> (what OS X could do with the G5 was a letdown for me and many  
> friends). However as you said, other reasons may have been more  
> critical for Apple.

Try linux on that same processor.  Mac OS X itself has many problems  
(especially kernel threading).  Linux literally blows Mac OS X away  
on the PowerPC 970 (G5) in performance.  Linus Torvalds is the  
authority on that one.  He runs a dual G5, but not with OS X.

>> once you enable 64-bit pointers in the x86 ISA, everything;  
>> drivers and apps, must be 64-bit.
> You can't imagine that Apple/Intel could handle this problem and  
> come up with some kind of more or less elegant solution?

Absolutely not.  It would break backwards compatibility for  
everything and everybody else.  The x86 ISA is what it is - it's  
Intel's baby, not Apple's.  Programmers either adhere to it, or their  
application doesn't run.  Intel themselves have tried to kill x86  
( Itanium / Itanium2 ) but it's not possible because of Microsoft.


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