[Ti] Exchange Account - from MAIL 2.0.7

Dennis Fazio dfz at mac.com
Wed May 10 05:51:06 PDT 2006

On May 10, 2006, at 6:40 AM, Dr Trevor J.Hutley wrote:

> MAIL has (had?) the capability of accessing Microsoft Exchange  
> servers and mail.  I have been doing that for more than one year,  
> without problem.
> The College has just changed some of its hardware/IP framework, and  
> it seems that my Exchange account in Mail no longer works.
> All the configuration is correct, as far as the IT support can see.
> I decided to create a new Exchange account in Mail 2.0.7, and see  
> if that would resolve the issue.
> However, that option no longer exists !  I can select .Mac, POP and  
> IMAP, but there is no exchange option any longer.

I think they may have turned off IMAP support or something along the  
path, like a firewall, is impeding access to the IMAP port (port  
143). IMAP has to be enabled and available for Apple Mail to use the  
Exchange server.

You can't create a new Exchange account because I think Mail only  
supports one Exchange account at a time.

You can check on your own if you can get to the IMAP port by opening  
Terminal and making a telnet connection to the mail server's IMAP port:

telnet <mailserver.college.edu> 143

substituting the DNS name of the mail host or its IP address for the  

You should get something like:
Escape character is '^]'.
<mailserver> IMAP4rev1 2000.287 at Wed, 10 May 2006 07:45:56 -0500 (CDT)

If you get through, enter quit to disconnect. A response indicates  
you have a good connection path and you then need to look at  
authentication problems.
Dennis Fazio
dfz at mac.com

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