[X-HW] Rant: These Bloody Ventilators!!!

jerrywilson jerrywilsons at mac.com
Sat Jan 4 22:13:47 PST 2003

On Saturday, January 4, 2003, at 05:14  PM, Philip Mötteli wrote:

> Sorry,
> but I can't work anymore on that overpriced noise-machine. For about 
> one week now, every three minutes, my dual PowerMac starts to put the 
> turbo ventilator in for about half a minute. This captures every 
> concentration and I only can overhear it, when I put very noisy music. 
> My productivity is close to zero.
> Has anybody any idea, what I could do against it? Without spending 
> again so much money?
> Does anybody know, what happened to that petition complaining about 
> these noise producers?

Philip, I heard there is a software fix you can install from Apple.   
You'd have to varify this by searching their pages.


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