Changing The DNS Connection

Chris Foote foote at
Tue Dec 3 13:09:35 PST 2002

>Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 11:21:01 -0800
>Subject: [X Newbies]
>From: Jerry Krinock <dearjerry at>
>Message-ID: <BA12441D.4AA9%dearjerry at>
>The "Automatic" network location is wonderful but I think it's a little too
>smart for me.  At home, my Powerbook G4 is connected via an Apple airport to
>our Earthlink DSL line.  (The Airport does the PPPoE.)  When I go to my day
>job, I sleep my powerbook, ride here on my bike and connect to a 100BT
>ethernet.  I'm online instantly - very cool.
>However, according to our IT guru, it seems I am still connected to the
>Earthlink DSL Domain Name Server (DNS) or something like that.  Thus,
>internal company IP addresses which we have set up here, for instance our
>email server, do not "resolve" to the desired company servers.
>Some times it seems to have switched to our internal DNS, but I don't know
>what causes it to switch.  Logging out and back in does not help; probably a
>restart would.
>I would appreciate if someone could correct my partial explanations, and
>explain to me how to understand and control this (preferably using something
>which is quick and AppleScript-able).
Easy. Get every thing the way you want it and set a new location (in 
network prefs, the popup at the top), then go to the other location, 
get everything set right, and make a new location for that. Toggle 
back and forth under the apple menu.

Christopher S. Foote                      |Internet:foote at
5505C Molecular Science                   |Phone:(310)-825-1409
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  |FAX:  (310)-206-1843
University of California, Los Angeles     |
CA 90095-1569                             |

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