Can't install on Beige G3

Michael McCarthy elvisisking at
Fri Aug 29 14:51:15 PDT 2003

The first 2 times I tried to install on my Beige G3 Rev A, (upgraded to 
G4 466, 60 GB Deskstar HD, 576 RAM) OS X installed Ok and I ran it for a 
couple of hours, but when I tried to restart in OS 9 (on a seperate 
partition) I couldn't access any drives - got a cycle of 3 folders with 
flashing question marks which I assumed meant it was trying to start 
from each of the 3 partitions  - one OS x, one 9.2.2 and one 8.1.

 I low formatted the drive, reinstalled 9.2.2, and ran that for a couple 
of weeks while looking for answers, which I may have found (bless both 
systems). I retried installing, but now the installer freezes with about 
7 minutes left (showing on progress bar) on the first install disk. I 
can boot up in the 9.2.2 partition and see a gig or so of files in the 
OS X partition. If I run Disk First Aid on the partially installed OS X 
volume it says it iso ok. I have tried removing all third party cards, 
reinstalling the original CD drive, etc. I have tried installing 9.2 
first, then OS X, and vice versa. I have tried OSX and OS 9 on same 
volume. I have zeroed my drive and tried again, same thing. I am 
installing on the first 8 GB (actually 7.5) - the installer won't let 
you do otherwise. Nothing changes, always freezes at about same spot.

The only difference I am aware of between the first 2 installs which 
worked, but wouldn't let me reboot in 9, and the later failed ones is 
that I updated the drivers with the OS X install disk, which it seems to 
me should help, not hurt.

Since the first failed install, when I start up I get a white screen 
which types "HFS bootable partionno" or "can't open" repeatedly for 7 
lines, then it fades to black and goes to the normal grey start-up 
screen, and starts fine.

Any ideas? I more or less have given up, but if anyone knew what was 
going on and how to fix it I might try again.

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