Seeking the source of kernel panics

Chris Foote foote at
Fri Feb 7 09:02:54 PST 2003

>Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 23:23:36 -0600
>From: Ian Sights <isights at>
>Subject: [X Newbies]
>Message-id: <4F024FFB-3A5C-11D7-95EB-0030654B82B4 at>
>I've got a sawtooth G4 with 10.2.3 and I've been having some apps quit
>from time to time. Now I've been getting kernel panics fairly
>regularly. I'm not sure what to do next.
>I switched to a different install of Jaguar on a different drive ( a
>clean install) and still got kernel panics, so I don't think it's my OS
>or installed apps.
>I pulled the memory cards one by one to see if there was a bad chip and
>the machine would crash about every 10 minutes anyway. So it's probably
>not a bad chip, unless I have two bad DIMMS. I can't run DIMM first aid
>because if I boot into 9.x, the machine will freeze shortly after
>getting to the desktop. (less than a minute)  This even if I boot from
>the OS 9 install CD. Ouch. I did run DIMM first aid when I first got OS
>X back in November, for what that's worth.
>I'll get panics when I'm opening a document from an application, or
>mousing in the Finder. I can't see a real pattern. I do have a wacom
>tablet and mouse installed, but I got a kernel panic once when I wasn't
>even at the machine, but a few feet away on my 7600.
>I did install a Pioneer (Cendyne) DVR-105 drive last month, but since
>it's the same as the superdrive, I wouldn't think that was too out of
>the ordinary.
>I had noticed that Photoshop or Illustrator would quit when the
>monitors went to sleep (no dialog box, they just quit) , so I've been
>suspecting my old iX3d display card I've been using to run my second
>monitor for a while. I was surprised that it even worked with Jaguar at
>I've pulled the card and ordered the ATI Raedon 7000 PCI as a tradeup.
>(see their site for details on the trade in)
>But I've continued to have kernel panics even with the stock display
>card. True, much less often, (twice in 14 hours) but that's still too
>often for me.
>Now at least I can get some work done, but I'm open to suggestions of
>things to check or do.
>Ian Sights

Something is not right; I think you have a hardware problem given 
that it's happened even when booted from a CD. If you can get hold of 
a hardware diagnostic CD, that should spot the problem. Otherwise, 
you're going to have to take it in for service, I think.

Christopher S. Foote                      |Internet:foote at
5505C Molecular Science                   |Phone:(310)-825-1409
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  |FAX:  (310)-206-1843
University of California, Los Angeles     |
CA 90095-1569                             |

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