[X Newbies] Crash city

TheMacintoshLady TheMacintoshLady at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 14 10:59:45 PST 2003

Joe Ellis tapped out this message on 2/14/2003 1:10 PM 

>I'm a little late to this thread, but I got the impression you had just
>purchased more than one new machine. Is that correct?

I purchase at least 3 machines per year.....so yes, this is one of them, 
the newest, an eMac I got in late January of 2003.

> If so what model are
>they? Are you aware that Apple has stated that after January; almost all
>models of Macs "WILL NOT BOOT INTO OS 9". 

This *does* boot into a pure 9 but does not include a CD to boot with 9 
so you can erase X

>If your model was one of these,
>there will be NO OS 9 CD provided because it would be useless anyway.

Right. But it was not...that would be a model with X and classic 
within....not yet on edu models.

> An OS
>9 System folder is provided on the hard drive to support Classic, and that
>folder is probably part of the recovery CD set provided.

Yes but you can't boot with it. There is also a pure OS 9 system OTHER 
THAN the Classic within X...but still, CDs have only .pkg files with 9 on 
them, not 9-bootable CDs which is the "in-between" situation we were 
discovering together in this thread.

> If your order was
>filled prior to January and you didn't get OS 9 CD's call Apple and tell
>them, they should correct the situation, either way, this appears like you
>should have a beef with Apple.

My only beef with Apple is that like many others on this list, I assumed 
that if it had the separate 9 system on it in ADDITION to Classic within 
X, that this would include a CD with the 9 system on it, bootable, but it 
doesn't......that is what we were discussing here. So it's a bit 
misleading and perhaps I should have called before I ordered it. But 
apparently others would have been similarly misled too.

>Why are you taking up bandwidth here?

Because as a member of this list I have the right to discuss X-bootable 
and the different configurations that new machines might have with X on 
them. And like others, I was misled into thinking it was something it was 
not, and asked how I could install X from these combo CDs onto one 
partition, and 9 on the other if it is necessary to have X before using 
those 9 CDs.....since my newest 9.2.1 Universal one won't work at all.

Now then, why are YOU taking up bandwidth here? :-)

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