Joe Ellis tapped out this message on 2/14/2003 3:01 PM >I'm taking up bandwidth here because I like to try to help people who are >NEW [Mac OS X Newbies] to OS X. And I think you may be missing something >here; in order to run Classic in OS X you MUST HAVE a fully bootable OS 9 >System Folder present. And I do...that was not the question. >The OS 9 System folder HAS TO RESIDE in the SAME >PARTITION as OS X. In order to run Classic from within X yes. >The fact that you can go into Startup disk and select it >to start up seperately is just there because the folder EXISTS. Yes I know that. > If you have >another partition on your hard drive all you have to do to make it bootable >in OS 9 is copy the System Folder into it. Drag and Drop no muss no fuss >(note: This will work for the OS 9 System folder, but for OS X you need to >use something like CCC or Retrospect.). OK, I wanted to keep it separate and I suppose I could try that. I know how to make partitions and install separately with my X and 9 disks...on other machines, but wanted to keep the applications that ran in X with X, but wonder why there is an alias to them from I need to copy those into the 9 folder? > The reason your newest 9.2.1 >Universal won't work is (this is just a guess on my part, I have no way to >confirm it.) that the boot ROM on the new machines only contains >instructions to look for an OS X system file and will not recognize an OS 9 >System Folder except when told to by the PRAM which requires you boot to X >set your OS selection in Startup and restart. Yep seems that way. That is what they said.....that is how they control it usually, the ROM. > If you want to confirm this, >you have NEW machines so you are entitled to Apple Phone Tech Support. Call >them and get the straight skinny from them. I didn't want to confirm it with myself, I knew it, I just wanted to explain it to those who doubted it on this list...and then someone accused me of bitching to which I smile since sorting all this out could seem like bitching because there was never so much to sort out as now.......<sigh> == : 0