[X Newbies] MacJanitor

T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at comcast.net
Sun Jul 27 22:51:53 PDT 2003

On 7/28/03 1:08 AM, "Jerry Wilson" <jerrywilsons at mac.com> wrote:

> It is in your system "Utilities" folder/Disk Utility/First Aid/.  And
> don't run it from your cd.

No First Aid folder either.

Hmmm.. I wonder if I deleted it for so,m reason thinking it was the OS 9

At any rate if you boot from the Install CD and choose Disk Utility from the
Installer menu you can then Verify/Repair permissions.  The online help says
to use Disk Utility as well.
T. Patrick Henebry
tphenebry at comcast.net

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