Login Items - Where are they?

Chris Foote foote at chem.ucla.edu
Tue Mar 25 07:51:33 PST 2003

>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 15:50:17 -0800
>Subject: [X Newbies]
>From: Jerry Krinock <dearjerry at mindspring.com>
>Message-ID: <BAA4D9B9.A3ED%dearjerry at mindspring.com>
>I just restarted and found that all of my Login Items have disappeared.  I
>have a suspect to blame for this, but at the moment I just want to restore
>my Login Items.
>I have a bootable Firewire backup.  When I restart on it, all my Login Items
>load as desired.  It seems that I should be able to restore the list of
>Login Items from this backup, but where are they?  I thought they would be
>in my home folder's "Login Items", but that folder is empty, even on my
>backup disk, even if I use Terminal or "show hidden and system files".
>Does anyonw know where has Apple hidden the Login Items?
>Jerry Krinock
>San Jose, CA   USA

Christopher S. Foote                      |Internet:foote at chem.ucla.edu
5505C Molecular Science                   |Phone:(310)-825-1409
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry  |FAX:  (310)-206-1843
University of California, Los Angeles     |
CA 90095-1569                             |

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