MP3s/OSX and Sony MiniDisc

Chris Walker chris at
Sun May 18 11:44:05 PDT 2003

Hi all,

Sony NetMD Minidisk units come with software (PC only - Win2000 and up)
for converting MP3s into Sony's ATRAC format for downloading via a
supplied USB cable to MiniDisc.

Dows anyone know either how to use iTunes to do this, or is there any
software that will accomplish the same thing. (IE download via USB to a

I know I should have bought an iPod, but although these are good and
desirable, the battery life leaves a lot to be desired (8hrs against
around 50hrs for a MiniDisk).  OK the disks only hold around 2.75 hours
or so but they take up little room and IMHO, are adequate for their purpose.


iTunes3 OSX 10.2.6 iMac G3/500 slot load

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