[X Newbies] Backup Software (Was: Partitioning Drive?)

Vincent Cayenne vcayenne at mac.com
Wed May 21 12:17:28 PDT 2003

At 10:44a -0700 2003.05.21, Randy B. Singer wrote:
>Just a point of fact.  The pickings for backup software on OS X are not
>even close to "slim."  See:

Just to add abit to Randy's seemingly exhaustive list (tho' not as 
well-researched, alas), if the need is not confined to the backup 
"engine" running on Mac OS X, the following products support Mac OS X 
even where the backup server sometimes runs on a different platform:

Arkeia <http://www.arkeia.com/>

Legato's Networker <http://www.legato.com/>

The Tolis Group's BRU <http://www.tolisgroup.com/>

Teradactyl's TiBS <http://www.teradactyl.com/>

IBM's Tivoli Storage Management (TSM) <http://www.tivoli.com/>

'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]

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