On Monday, Oct 20, 2003, at 18:16 Canada/Eastern, John Lowther wrote: > They're just not working, and I'm not getting the promised screens.... Not everything works all the time; especially for neophytes. You tried those solutions (including resetting the NVRAM, I assume) and still can't boot off the hard disk? (Presumably, you have only one? -- You were very spare with specific details.) Then boot off an alternate drive, i.e., your CD-ROM drive. Use the OS X CD, the OS 9 CD, the 8.6 CD that came with your B&W, whatever. Success? -> You have a disk corruption problem. Use a disk utility to try to fix it, re-install the OS, or (what may very well be best in the long run) reinitialize the drive and restore everything from the backup. Failure? -> You have a hardware problem. You need to roll up your sleeves and crack open the candy box. f