eMac CD player can't read CDs

Adi Jaya deetya at cbn.net.id
Tue Jun 29 21:43:09 PDT 2004

Hullo, perhaps you might be able to help me with my little problem.

My eMac 700mhz CD-RW drive suddenly can't read System CDs!

I wanted to upgrade my Sys 10.1.4 to 10.2 (about time, right?) but the eMac
can't read the CD. I inserted the CD in the CD player, and the icon won't
pop up on the screen. I tried re-inserting; still nothing. I tried
re-inserting then waiting for an hour; no cigar. After logging out; nope.
After restarting; still won't work. I tried restarting and pressing the
letter "C" to start up from the CD. Another failure, after some time, the
eMac simply restarts from the HD.

I tried my original System 10.1.4 CD. Same result. ??!!?

I just reformated the System partition and reinstalled Sys. 10.1.4 a month
ago, and the drive was working well that time.

Or maybe, since I installed the system using the "Mac OS X Install" CD
instead of the "Mac OS Restore" CD, perhaps there was some crucial piece of
software that was left behind/ un-installed?

All other CD's worked; "Mac OS 9 Install" "Applications" all were readable.
The drive played the music CD's I fed it.

The drive also didn't work when I tried an old CD-Rom of "My Grandma and Me"

Is it that the 10.1 and 10.2 CD are broken, kaput, gone to CD Heaven? Is the
CD player broken? Whu-?

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

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deserve neither liberty nor safety
- - Benjamin Franklin

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