[X-Newbies] Re: <Adios!t>

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Sat May 21 20:35:07 PDT 2005

> From: Jane <TheMacintoshLady at earthlink.net>
> Subject: Re: [X-Newbies] <Adios!t>
> Yes I understand that, so the question I ask is, may people  
> continue to
> post as they choose without a problem or should there be a rule?

My PERSONAL opinion on this is that you can do it however you like,  
but be aware that those who repeatedly ignore requests to adhere to  
netiquette by top-posting, HTML posting, not trimming quotes et al  
are MUCH MUCH less likely to get any help or be treated well than  
those who do.

So ... do we need a rule? No I don't think so. The above + common  
sense = no problems.


Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most  
people use Windows is like saying that all other restaurants are  
inferior to McDonald's.

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