[X-Newbies] Re: Your message to X-Newbies awaits moderator approval

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Tue Nov 21 07:12:37 PST 2006

At 3:57 PM +0100, 11/21/06, Brian Durant wrote:

>but the real issue is still the arbitrary size limitations on postings.

A list server owner has to set some limit somewhere and those that 
choose to use HTML may find that whatever limit is set is 
'arbitrary'. That though must be the 'arbitrary' limit chosen by the 
list owner.

>  I am fully aware that html adds size to a posting, but then
>why not only allow users to post in plain text and include an
>explanation of how to do it for new subscribers?

Wouldn't that be arbitrary? If someone can send a small HTML message, 
should they be restricted from doing so?

>It is the size limitation of postings and the uncertainty of whether 
>your posting will be too large or not and therefore withheld that is 
>the main issue for debate here.

When you send non HTML messages, all uncertainty should be removed. 
It is highly unlikely that you will be too large if you trimmed your 
reply. You want certainty in your life? Choose plain text. Life can 
be so very simple.


Robert Ameeti

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.
            -- Caskie Stinnett, Out of the Red (1960)

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