On 22 May2009, at 9:41 PM, Paul Simpson wrote: > My wife has a MAC running "MAC OS X Panther Ver 10.3.9". I'm fairly > knowledgeable regarding IBM / Windows PCs BUT no clue about MAC =20 > problems. > Her MAC's been working fine for the past several years but recently =20= > she's > got a consistent problem with her keyboard. When she strikes the Q =20 > key she > gets an A. This happens with numerous other keys. SO I went out and =20= > bought > her a replacement keyboard. BUT when I connected the new keyboard and > checked it out, we get the exact same errors. Needless to say I =20 > returned > the new keyboard. Any thoughts on how I go about fixing the > problem??????????? First thing I'd try is to make sure you have the proper keyboard = =20 selected. It could be the keyboard is set to type some other =20 language. Go to the =F0 menu -->Systems Preferences -->International =20= -->Input menu. Make sure that the proper keyboard is selected =20 (probably the US one). If the right keyboard is checked. Try to get a keyboard viewer. = =20 One way to do this is to check in that same International Preference =20 the box that says "Show input menu in menu bar." When it shows up, =20 click it and select the keyboard viewer. See if the layout shown =20 matches the keyboard it should be. If that doesn't work, there is probably a keyboard or = international =20 preference file that can get corrupted and you can delete. A new one =20= will be automatically generated. I couldn't find one where it should =20= be, so someone else with more experience will have to tell what pref =20 file it is. Good luck. Peter