Managing startup services

Robert Frank robert.frank at
Fri Mar 19 06:20:52 PST 2004

On 19 Mar 2004, at 14:56, Mac OS X Servers wrote:

> I have two questions regarding startup. First, it appears that most 
> services
> like Apache do not start at STARTUP but at LOGIN. Yesterday I came in 
> after
Nope. Something is seriously wrong with your server. All services start 
independently of any logins.
The startup is controled in the specs within each startup folder of 
each service in either
/System/Library/StartupItems or /Library/StartupItems.

> an unexplained "event" to find the server rebooted and waiting for me 
> to log
Check out what this 'event' was, sounds bad.

> in to Mac OS X, and it appears the web server etc., did not start 
> until I
> did so. Is this true?? Do I have to turn on "Automatic Login" ... on a
As said, definitely not. Something is wrong.
> Second, I am having trouble getting the "run on startup" setting of 
> MySQL to
check /etc/hostconfig and look for the variable MYSQL
It should be present and have a value of -YES-.

> stick. This makes me think there must be a better way of managing apps 
> that
> have no GUI at startup. Do any of you run non-GUI apps? If so, how do 
> you
> have them start?
> Thanks,
>     peter


Departement Informatik             tel  +41 (0)61 267 14 66
Universitaet Basel                      fax. +41 (0)61 267 14 61
Robert Frank
Klingelbergstrasse 50              Robert.Frank at
CH-4056 Basel

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