[X Servers] Managing startup services

Peter C.S. Adams adamsp at cs.umb.edu
Fri Mar 19 06:43:15 PST 2004

Thus spake Robert Frank <robert.frank at unibas.ch>, circa 3/19/2004 9:20 AM:
> Nope. Something is seriously wrong with your server. [...] Check out what
> this 'event' was, sounds bad. [...] check /etc/hostconfig and look for
> the variable MYSQL It should be present and have a value of -YES-.

Many thanks, Robert. I think I have narrowed it down to Retrospect and a
suspect tape. I have never liked Retrospect but assumed it could not crash
OS X. Perhaps the Mac has a hardware problem with FireWire...

Regarding Apache not starting, it now appears Apache did not start because
the "event" corrupted the config files. It had tried to launch at startup,
as it should.

I also need a good monitoring program so I can be notified by email when a
service is not running. Any suggestions?

Thanks again,

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