Fwd: Re: [X-Unix] please sign petition (apple to fix diskutil bug)

lists3-200402 lists3-200402 at verizon.net
Tue Aug 3 07:21:10 PDT 2004

i asked kris to join this list. here's his reply to a post...

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 11:22:56 -0400
To: lists3-200402 <lists3-200402 at verizon.net>,
  David Ledger <dledger at ivdcs.demon.co.uk>,
  "Mac OS X Unix" <>
From: Kristofer Widholm <kit at brokenhill.net>
Subject: Re: [X-Unix] please sign petition (apple to fix diskutil bug)


The main point here is that diskutil used to work in single user 
mode. It worked without any modification of rc files etc, up until 
Panther was introduced.

It has been acknowledged as a bug by Apple, and it should be fixed. 
Tinkering with the startup sequence is an invitation to disaster in a 
distributed application like AppleJack that is intended to be able to 
"just work" no matter who downloads it and installs it on their 

I have wanted to avoid "hacking" the standard OS, for two reasons: 1) 
Simplicity: I don't want to have to write an installer that has to be 
able to accurately and carefully modify rc files regardless of what 
prior modifications there might be there. That's a nightmare. 
However, asking the average user to make these modifications by hand 
is too much to ask from a utility that's supposed to help, not 
hinder. 2) Security: I just don't feel 100% confident that I wouldn't 
be opening up a problem by changing the boot sequence, etc.

I would love to hear the input from the lists you are a part of. 
Interesting (if abusive) conversation.


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