[X-Unix] Logging connect attempts

peter boardman pete.boardman at pobox.com
Fri Feb 13 01:27:16 PST 2004

William H. Magill <magill at mcgillsociety.org> said on 12/2/04, 4:15
pm (-0500 GMT):
> By comparison, OSX is inherently secure "out of the box." You
> have to open up the ports by enabling things like web service
> and file sharing.

Thanks for the helpful answer! 
> One last point -- your "borrowed" machine is pretty typical of
> far too many "enterprise" based machines. It was probably not
> "up to rev" with the latest Microsoft patches.

I think what happened was that when the machine was upgraded to
XP, the virus protection software was disabled (temporarily or
permanently I don’t know).


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