[X-Unix] Calling Applescript alarm from script

Eric F Crist ecrist at secure-computing.net
Sat Jan 26 08:14:21 PST 2008

On Jan 26, 2008, at 3:49 AM, Stroller wrote:

> On 25 Jan 2008, at 23:05, Eric F Crist wrote:
>> On Jan 25, 2008, at 4:13 PM, Stroller wrote:
>>> On 25 Jan 2008, at 15:18, TjL wrote:
>>>> However, what I would really like to do is have it pop up some  
>>>> kind of
>>>> alert window on my Mac with some kind of sound which keeps  
>>>> repeating
>>>> until I acknowledge the window.
>>> Set a rule in Mail.app, so that if "From:" equals "My Notify  
>>> Script <script at localhost>" then play sound "klaxxon".
>> That only works if Mail.app happens to be running.  If Mail.app  
>> isn't running, messages aren't being received, and filters aren't  
>> being processed.
> Yeah, well, the script only runs if the computer is switched on, and  
> other notifications are only useful if the computer has monitor &/or  
> speakers connected to it, &/or someone is logged into the machine.
> I assumed that the script was written in Bash, piping curl to grep  
> to sendmail - it may be blinkered of me, but I find this the most  
> "obvious" way to solve that part of the problem already described by  
> TjL - and I would find it clumsy to mix shell script & AppleScript.  
> Here any script that is run by a schedule is run on the headless  
> server in the cupboard under the stairs - I'm sure that'll be  
> switched on at any time, which I can't say of any given desktop  
> machine.
> Besides, if I'm at a computer then my mail is open. For me - your  
> milage may vary - it's just the most logical way to be notified of  
> stuff that's going on.
> Finally - I considered writing this in my original response - no  
> language which we discuss here is the best one for the task. The  
> easiest programming syntax is "hey, kid! make sure you check this  
> webpage every day - it tells you if you get a day off school."

Wow, condescending much?  In my opinion, it's improper to expect that  
a certain application already be running for a notification such as  
this.  Like you, my mail application is often opened when I'm using my  
computer, but often is not always.

However, your commentary got me thinking.  I know that the schools and/ 
or news channels here in Minnesota have the option of signing up for  
alerts.  I simply had to register my email address and when our school  
closes, I get an email notification.  In addition to that, my  
blackberry has its own email address, to which I use only for special  
alerts and notifications.  It may be most beneficial to simply set up  
some sort of SMS alert.  Most major cellular providers in the US have  
a way in which you can send an email to a cell phone.

Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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