[X-Unix] Was Folder, Became Application. Help!

Jon Warms jwarms at mac.com
Sat May 24 17:42:44 PDT 2008

I wanted to change iTunes' Library, so I, ill-advisedly,
dragged the Library icon and dropped it on the iTunes
application. It didn't work, but the Library changed to
an application. Apparently, it's all there; it was about
30+ megabytes as a library, and it's about that size as
an application.

How do I change it back to my iTunes Library? Or just
a form I can pull my music files out of.

I'm not exactly sure I am correctly describing my
missteps that brought me here, but that's not the
point. After this happened, I did some research &
found the correct way to have iTunes use a new

But I'd like to restore the clobbered folders. I used
ed to look at the .app file, but I don't know what
makes it an application and how to change that to
a folder type.



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