[X4U] max number of recipients in Mail

Mark Phillips mark at mophilly.com
Tue Nov 30 14:38:30 PST 2004

On Nov 29, 2004, at 12:30 PM, Randy B.Singer wrote:

> silvo conticello said:
>> What is the maximum number of recipients in Mail?
> I don't know, but I can tell you how I got around the problem using
> Claris Emailer to send out my newsletter.  (Circulation: close to 
> 5,000).
> I use an AppleScript that takes a plain text document with a list of
> e-mail addresses and a plain text document that has the body of the
> e-mail message, and the script creates messages with the body text and
> automatically addresses each message with 30 addresses from the address
> list.
> It only takes the script about a minute to create e-mail messages in 
> the
> outgoing message folder for every recipient on the mailing list, each
> with 30 recipients.  I can then send the messages, which go out fine, 
> one
> at a time.

That is a very clever solution, Randy. Another, for those who have 
MacOS X server installed and running close by, is to set up a MailMan 
group and use it to broadcast.

As Stroller pointed out indirectly, mass mailing can be misconstrued as 
spam. Be sure the recipients are willing otherwise your address and/or 
domain could end up in a blacklist database, such as spamhaus.

Mark Phillips
Mophilly & Associates
On the web at http://www.mophilly.com
On the phone at 619 444-9210

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