[X4U] Which version of Windows with VPC?

Phillip Zannini • phillip at globalsync.net
Wed Oct 13 15:41:01 PDT 2004

Hey Jim,

I just picked up VPC 7 today, upgrading from 6.1.  HUGE difference on my
1GHz TiBook.  If you can squeeze the few extra dollars it will be well worth
it in my humble opinion.  VPC 7 at the moment comes with XP Pro.

Hope that helps!

Best regards,

On 10/13/04 5:05 PM, "Jim Eddy" <giametti at mac.com> wrote:

> I need to keep tabs on my web site since I understand from family
> Windows users that there are a few glitches. I have a powerbook G4 667
> DVI w/ 512MB of memory. I will probably pick up VPC 6 but don't know
> 'nuthin about Windows. I've been told Windows 2000 may be the best for
> my hardware--not too slow but somewhat up to date.  What are the
> differences  between the various Windows offerings? What's crippled in
> the "Home Edition" versus the "Pro Edition?" I only anticipate running
> a Windows web browser every once in a while, and can tolerate some
> slowness (as long as it doesn't become an all day affair!). How many
> different web browsers are there on the windows side in general use? Do
> they come with the system software like Safari and IE do on my mac?
> Thanks for any insight!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> Jim Eddy                                               James Eddy
> Woodworks
> giametti at mac.com               jim at jameseddywoodworks.com
>                                Mount Pleasant, Michigan
>                           http://jameseddywoodworks.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

1ghz G4 TiBook, 1 gig memory, SuperDrive, Panther (10.3)
e-mail: phillip at globalsync.net
AIM, iChat:  PalmMagnate, MSN: PalmMagnate at hotmail.com

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