[X4U] [OT] - Shuffle

Eddie Hargreaves meged at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 23 08:04:23 PDT 2005

Charging iPod shuffle on an iMac G3 and eMac
"Because of its design, iPod shuffle cannot be connected to the USB ports on
the side of iMac G3 and eMac computers‹it will not fit. You can connect iPod
shuffle to your keyboard's USB ports if your computer has Mac OS X 10.3.6 or
later, however, iPod shuffle will not charge due to the keyboard's low-power
USB ports."

On 4/22/05 6:51 PM, Samantha Cornell <samantha at netresults.biz> wrote:

> While talking to a friend today I learned that he is unable to charge
> his Shuffle off the USB port on his eMac.  He was able to charge it
> once off a powered USB hub, but never again.
> Has anyone else has this problem?  I'm inclined to think he has a
> defective Shuffle.  Thoughts?

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