[X4U] iMac will not boot

John Azevedo zoff at mac.com
Wed Sep 14 13:47:41 PDT 2005

Try holding down the Option key on startup, this will give you a  
choice of discs to boot from. Maybe the Startup Disk preferences are  
messed up.

On Sep 14, 2005, at 1:00 PM, Andrew T. Lynch wrote:

> Hi Folks,
>   My kids 700 mHz crt iMac will boot from CD, but not from the  
> internal hard drive.  I booted from the diskwarrior CD, and was  
> able to run diskwarrior on the internal drive.  I have zapped the  
> pram, and done a reset-nvram and reset-all from open firmware.
> I get the White screen with the apple, but it never progresses to  
> the spinning little clock thingy or to the blue screen.  I've let  
> it sit there for 10 minutes with no progress.
> Any Clues?

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