[X4U] Address Book cursor issue

Steve Self steveself at mac.com
Fri Sep 30 07:53:05 PDT 2005

I have a client, a new "switcher" to a Mac Mini... Loves the  
experience and is an active user of Pages... But is having a very  
annoying issue with the cursor jumping:  In Address Book, when adding  
new records, as he inputs the info, randomly his cursor will jump to  
the Notes area. He has watched it closely and cannot see any pattern,  
keyboard mistakes, etc. It only seems to happen in Address Book. It  
happens a lot such that it makes entry very annoying.

We have trashed the Pref file. Restarted. Reset PR-RAM. Repaired File  
Permissions... No change.

I am about to head on over there and do an Archive & Install... But I  
thought I would ask before, in case anyone here has solved this one.  
The Apple discussion boards do have a few references to this issue,  
in Mac Mini's, but no solution posted as far as I can tell...

Any further suggestions?


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