[X4U] Apple Mail sending problem

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Wed Apr 12 19:53:21 PDT 2006

On 4/12/06 9:40 PM, Jens Selvig wrote:

> I have multiple ISP's with different pop email accounts. I get my
> main Internet connection via cable modem, Bresnan. My problem arises
> when sending email. My Bresnan account works fine to send but the
> other ISP's block my sending through them via Bresnan. And worse yet
> many other ISP's block my emails when I do send via Bresnan but  use
> a different reply to address or some such inconsistancy. I am
> assuming this is all help prevent spamming. At any rate I am
> wondering if there is a way in Apple Mail to lock the sending account
> down to always be my Bresnan account. I keep forgetting to check the
> pop up window and then I'll get a delivery error message.

You could, instead, enable Port 587 in each of your non-Bresnan accounts,
and use the normal smtp for each of those accounts instead (smtp.mac.com,

My broadband ISP is Charter Pipeline, and they blocked Port 25 for
everything but charter.net, and I needed to do this to send Earthlink mail
using smtpauth.earthlink.net, and .Mac mail with smtp.mac.com. Like you, I
was getting flack for sending Earthlink mail with a Charter reply to --
flagged as spam when the servers didn't match up.


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