[X4U] [OT] Source for RF DEmodulator?

Marc Stergionis stermarc at mac.com
Thu Jan 12 14:08:28 PST 2006

Sometime around 2:16 PM -0600 1/12/06, Michael Winter pounded out this ditty:
>On Jan 12, 2006, at 1:32 PM, Zane H. Healy wrote:
>>For "Coax -> Composite & LR Audio" I've just passed it through a VCR.
>Yeah, I think it got to the point where you could pick up a cheap 
>VCR for less than the convertor alone, or you could do as suggested 
>in another post and dig around for an old VCR with a non-functional 
>play/record function that people tend to throw away. The only down 
>side is that they are quite a big larger than the convertor alone.

Oh, you hit it! Size is a factor, this is a crowded home office. I 
know VCRs can do this. I have one doing just that in another (bigger) 
room :)

I will keep looking; other input welcome.
Marc Stergionis

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