[X4U] Re: Firefox vs Safari

TjL lists at tntluoma.com
Sun Jan 29 16:08:18 PST 2006

...... Original Message .......
On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:14:19 -0600 "nk" <netkat at comcast.net> wrote:
>Part 2 of 2

>Finally, (this is not really a feature) I like that Firefox either is  
>or is becoming the standard browser the world over, regardless of  
>platform, and that it's being developed by people whose goal is not  
>to cash in on draconian absolute domination of the internet.

Oh please.

The standard browser is Internet Exporer on Windows.  Firefox is making 
headway in geek-enabled circles and some other places, but still like 90% 
of the browsing world is using IE.

I loathe IE but there's no sense is so overblowing Firefox's penetration.  
Don't get me wrong, I hope it does become the standard over IE... I just 
don't think it'll happen.  25% would be a huge accomplishment.

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