[X4U] Well, well

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Thu Jul 24 08:29:16 PDT 2008

At 8:35 AM -0500 7/24/08, Ed Gould wrote:
>The 4 backup drives are as follows:
>CD Burner
>1 Terabyte backup drive (its actually 2 500 GB drives but I am using 
>it as a RAID 0 so I can have a cheap terabyte worth.
>1 400 GB drive for not frequently used apps
>1 300 GB drive for videos

I see you're actually running a PowerMac G5 dual 2.7Ghz, and not a 
Mac Pro.  You don't mention the size of your two internal drives, but 
I suspect that with a Mac Pro you could take everything internal. 
Remember the Mac Pro handles 4 internal HD's, and 1.5TB drives are 
just coming out.

>I am running the finder, address book, Itunes, Hogwasher, quicktime, 
>dictionary (websters), Ivisit, weather app, betterfinder renamer, 
>Safari, mail app, iorganize, graphic converter , hogwasher activity
>monitor, timbukto pro, Boinc (2 sub applications), Net monitor, 
>Iweather, Preview. Plus some other apps that do not show up on the 
>dock. Like I said nothing extraordinary just apps that I use either 
>continuously or run in the background that I need once an hour or 
>so. There are other apps of course I did not count the ones that I 
>use only once a day like Word Perfect and some games that I use 
>rather infrequently (once or twice a month at most) . I am still 
>paging quite a bit for essentially running very little, IMO. Not to 
>run on but in OS2 I had 4GB and ran a LOT more and faster with a way 
>slower system (currently I have dual G5 2.7Ghz) with OS/2 I had a 
>100Mhz pentium).  I need Timbukto pro because I run into issue with 
>the MAC os that I have a friend take over my system so he can 
>diagnose the issue so he doesn't have to come over to my place. It 
>turns out that its been a lifesaver on many occasions  and saved a 

This doesn't make sense.  On a 100Mhz Pentium you would be limited to 
something between 16 to 128 Megabytes RAM, maybe as much as 256 
Megabytes, but I sure don't see it handling 4 Gigabytes of RAM as the 
chipsets didn't support that much RAM.  As for your current system, 
of the applications you're running Hogwasher and Safari look to be 
the only two that will use significant amounts of RAM.  I fail to see 
how you could need more than 32 Gigabytes of RAM with that light of a 
load.  I'm running with 5.5 Gigabytes of RAM, and only feel stressed 
when doing something like trying to process and review 760 12MP RAW 
photo's.  How much RAM does your current system actually have?  Do 
any of the G5's go above 8 Gigabytes RAM?  Check "About this Mac" 
under the Apple menu.  The current Mac Pro's would definitely give 
you the ability to have more RAM than you currently have.

Secondly, how does moving from 10.4 to 10.5 prevent you from running 
Word Perfect?  You shouldn't be able to run it on either, except 
under 3rd party emulation.  It won't run under Classic will it?  How 
would a modern version of Word Perfect work for you?  You could 
always run it under Windows on a Mac Pro.


| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at aracnet.com (primary)    | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
| MONK::HEALYZH (DECnet)           | Classic Computer Collector |
|     Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing,    |
|          PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum.         |
|                http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/               |

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