[X4U] 'doze computers???

Linda xpressobean at mac.com
Mon May 26 21:41:06 PDT 2008

On 5/26/08 11:11 PM, Ed Gould wrote:

> Just a personal observation on portable MACS. I have several friends
> that have macbooks and the two biggest complaints I have heard from
> this are lack of disk space and memory (not enough of). I personally
> would steer him clear of the airport .
> One of the friends is really upset as IIRC the max is 32G so he has
> to strip down his computer. He decided to get another so he could put
> Photshop and some big apps and the other he is leaving striped down
> for everything else. He has to carry two different computers with him
> as a result. The airport security people are *NOT* amused.

It's "Mac" -- short for "Macintosh" -- not MAC, which is a networking
acronym. We know what you mean, because we're a Mac list, but out in the
wide world non-Mac users could be confused.

If your friends have such intense computing needs, why on earth did they
purchase MacBooks? MacBook Pros would have been better suited to their needs
-- larger hard disks, more RAM, dedicated video RAM, etc.


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