[X4U] Finder Question

Linda xpressobean at mac.com
Tue Nov 18 12:22:54 PST 2008

On 11/18/08 1:57 PM, Ronald Steinke wrote:

> I did not suggest that you QUIT the running programs, only CLOSE the
> active windows so you could have a clear view of the search window and
> see what files could be found and where they are located.

To be honest, I never close other windows when I use Spotlight or Command-F,
so that I can more easily drag the result to where I want it (into one of
the open windows, natch). The results windows for both methods comes to the
forefront without needing to close anything.

That said, there are indeed some things that Quit when you simply close the
window -- System Preferences is an example -- so I can understand how it is
possible to see "close" and believe someone is suggesting "quit".

> If you don't want to solve the problem, don't ask for help.

Ouch. That's very harsh.

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