[X4U] Mac Mini Question

alexandre list at kapellos.com
Fri Apr 24 08:03:13 PDT 2009

hi rod

i bough the base mac mini two weeks ago and did the upgrade myself  
(RAM & HD). the hardest part is opening the case with a spudger ( i  
used a blunt knife). the rest is pretty straight forward.

since the thing was open and the price of ram and drives being what  
they are (cheap!) i went for 4Gb and 500Gb / 5400rpm…

i started a thread on this list around 3 weeks ago about DIY upgrades  
and applecare: if peace of mind is what you want, the apple is the way  
to go IMHO. or get an apple reseller to do it.

but honestly, even the base model is a great little machine!

regards, alexandre
>> so I  will be getting it from Apple with memory installed.  Since I  
>> can turn MySQL/Apache on/off as needed, I'm thinking that 2GB will  
>> be plenty.
> For the purposes you listed, 2Gb will be enough. If you intend to  
> start doing more with graphics files, you should consider upgrading  
> the RAM.
> BUT ..... Don't buy it from Apple!!!!!! The price from Apple is more  
> than 5 times what you would pay to any of the internet RAM vendors.  
> Take a look at Crucial or DataMem or OWC for good prices.

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