[P1] Mail unexpectedly quits

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 21 04:15:37 PST 2003

On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 10:11  PM, good-dog at northshore.net 

> Today it's been konking out when I try to forward a particular 
> message. When I failed at this a couple of times, I copied the text 
> into TextEdit, thinking I'd attach the document to an email, but then 
> my TextEdit passed out.

I assume that it conks out only with this particular message?

And copying the text into TextEdit causes that to crash.

Hmm. Many possibilities but this reminds me of the time I copied 
Control-Z into a text file on a Tandy 100. Control-Z is something like 
an end of file marker on the Tandy 100. I wrote it to a text file using 
basic. Zap. Cold started my computer and wiped the memory. Note that I 
said reminds me of the time...

so, I wonder if there might be some nasty little character in that file 
you may have typed by holding down one of the power keys rather than 
the shift key? If so, retyping the entire email might be useful. If you 
have a reply quoted in it, try it without the reply. You can send the 
messages to yourself.

I had a lot of trouble with mail that only cleared up when I did an 
erase and a full install of Jaguar. I think I corrupted something in 
the initial upgrade. There are so many files involved that I think 
Apple realizes that trouble shooting is very difficult and recommends 
an erase and reinstall.

As far as deleting messages in bulk, I do it all the time with no 

I noticed while listening to the Capital Gang on CNN rant on pro and 
con about UM's 20 points for Blacks that not one of the CG on CNN is 
Jack Rodgers

Email: jackrodgers at earthlink.net
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