Word formatting in Mac, PC

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Thu Jul 31 02:04:24 PDT 2003

> From: "Eric B. Richardson" <lbyron at comcast.net>
> But for me, ThinkFree Office was so unbearably slow that it was
> unusable. I last checked it out about three months ago. Have there
> been any changes that warrant checking it out again?

If you find it "unbearably slow," then the answer is no. I'm not aware 
of any major changes in Apple's JVM or ThinkFree that I would call a 
"significant" speed boost.

FWIW, I don't find it to be THAT slow. Slower than Office, yes ... but 
I don't really feel the slowness except at launch and opening time.


Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most people 
use Windows is like saying that all other restaurants are inferior to 

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