Ellen eplied: thanks. your explaination is very good. I think I'm starting to see what you are talking about. after I shut down and come back, the items show up that weren't showing up or deleted when supposed to. I think I'm getting the hang of it now. On a similar note, If I do set up another mailbox, and I choose <<on my mac>>, what does that mean exactly? Is the mail I put there going offline somewhere? As far as POP mail, then would the mail in that folder stay with that particular type of mail? thanks. Billsez: It'll all just in click into your mind in time, May. "NON-intuitive!" :) Your IMAPs --AOLMail --runs the show --on your computer --Mail --and on it's own server. You delete messages --that is it's 'command' to delete that message from it's server. But you must connect again sometime --for it to receive that 'delete command.' Same with moving messages to other folders. Server must be connected to again to get what you just did. Server 'records' your created additional IMAP mail folders. And tries to list what messages you have in them. The IMAP server will catch up with your busy move-messages activity. If Mail is like Mulbarry or Outlook Express <<on my mac>> doesn't mean anything to you. It's again the server --in it's way of keeping track of what you want. Totally ignore it, May. You know that if you keep your top Mail folders closed --not toggled open and sub-folders listed --deleting the top folder --deletes messages in all sub folders. There is also a key command that deletes all your Mail trash folders. I forget --but look on the Mail menus for the key command. Your POP mail is very different. Server doesn't try to keep track at all like IMAP. Once downloaded to Mail --it's immediately yours to do with as you wish. This is what we are most used to --and email instructions focus around. With Mail you can just check mail --not download, Download and either still leave on server or more "default" immediately clear from server. You would leave it on server if you both read at work and want to handle Mail at home later on. "Checking' mail is like our Mail Watcher. With mail you can get a subject listing of all your mail on POP server --then select which messages to not deliver but to delete from server. This for spam, virus, huge attachments that frighten us 56k dial up wimpies. :)